El Zen de los Malabares
Dave Finnigan was born in the United States in 1941 and published the first edition of 'The Zen of Juggling' in 1993.
There he shares a secret that many jugglers know but find difficult to put into words: juggling is much more than a physical skill, it is the infinite process of holistic personal growth through the acquisition of skill.
Co-edición: Contramar / K8
Colección: Arte Callejero
ISBN: 978-987-46408-4-0
168 páginas - 14x20cm
Diseño de portada: Estudio Z
Co-edition: Contramar / K8
Collection: Street Art
Language: Spanish
ISBN: 978-987-46408-4-0
168 pages - 14x20cm
Cover Design: Estudio Z